This relaxed yet elegant style originated from The Hamptons, situated north of New York on Long Island, where the wealthy escape to their beach houses for summer. Hamptons style is defined by casual, relaxed beach living but done in a classic and very sophisticated way.
It does this by mixing old with new; natural textures with glamorous finishes. The Hamptons style celebrates symmetry and scale. The architectural features include high ceilings and wall panelling. Trims are elegant and formal but simple.
Achieve the Hamptons style in your home with architectural details such as cornices, architraves and the mouldings that surround key focal points, such as doorsways and fireplaces.
The relaxed but elegant collection.
Bailey Interiors will not be held liable for any slight variations in patterns or profiles when matching cornices, all profiles shown on our site are a guide only and may vary up to 10mm depending on the cornice/profiles.
When matching profiles you must either physically identify the cornice you need by visiting in person our showroom or preferably bring a section of the cornice/profiles so that it can be positively matched.
All photos of existing cornice which may from time to time be e-mailed to us can be are quite difficult to distinguish which can result in not completely identifying the cornice.
Any order taken over the phone or by e-mail or text message, when matching cornice/profiles which have not been positively identified by the client, will the clients responsibility.
Click on the small images under the Profile heading to view close up.
Click on the cross section image under Section heading to download the 1:1 scaled cross section drawing.
For best results, make sure you set your printer to print at 100% scale. Do not fit to page!
• Discontinued
Range |
Code |
Profile |
Section |
Wall |
Ceiling |
Type |
Length |
French | FRC 049 | 100 | 50 | Ornamental | 3.6 |
French | FRC 052 | 150 | 125 | Ornamental | 3.6 |
French | FRC 053 | 170 | 145 | Ornamental | 3.6 |
French | FRC 057 | 160 | 190 | Ornamental | 3.6 |
French | FRC 058 | 95 | 105 | Ornamental | 3.6 |
French | FRC 059 | 230 | 120 | Ornamental | 3.6 |